Hand picked selections of the best tracked music


Rikimbo's Profile

profile Hi!

I love the mod format, even though I missed the time when it was most relevant. This fascination started around 2003 when I went looking for the music from the PC DOS game "Inner Worlds". That led me here, where I was most active with the Mod Archive community and staff from 2005-2007.

I decided to try my hand at tracking in the summer of 2004. I started releasing my work on Mod Archive almost immediately when I started, so you can find even my earliest attempts at music on my page. I'll leave all of my works up here, even though I they rank somewhere from "Amateurish/terrible" to "Amateurish but listenable". It was a great creative outlet for me, that I hope to get back to sometime.

If you're interested, I mostly made downtempo ambient stuff. Listening to these again, "Eternal Lullaby" is my favourite.

The metadata in a lot of these old tunes still mention an old MSN account. How charming! I'm still happy to talk to anyone who happens to find this page, but of course the MSN account is long gone. :)

Thanks to everyone still maintaining this site.

Rikimbo 7-11-2021

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