Hand picked selections of the best tracked music


Zox's Profile

profile Computers: Amiga 500 / Amiga 1200
Handle: Zox
Groups: R-Pixel, Instinct, Terminators
Address: France

I believe it was in 1984, Mom and Dad bought me an Amstrad CPC464. Since then I always had one (or more) computer at home. I started trying to make music when I discovered Soundtracker in the late 80's on Amiga 500. Then came Noisetracker and Protracker on Amiga 1200.

I never considered myself a musician, didn't played any "real" instruments nor learned Music in school. You can guess by listening to my production ;-) But it just felt good creating some noise.
I made modules from 1989 to 1994, using ripping tools on Demos and Audio CDs to get new samples. Very few of my music was released, except between friends and members of my groups, and only 2 modules were actually used in Demos on Amiga.
Now, thanks to ModArchive and the Internet I can finally show the world how bad my modules were, but still I'm so proud of it ;-)

I still listen to Amiga 4-tracks music from time to time. Really. Music is the only thing that never gets old in a computer demo (well, when it's done by a pro).
My all times favourite tunes on Amiga?
Undersea (Codex), Madness took me (Uncle tom), Condom Corruption (Travolta), Synergy (Bit Arts), BST, free from guitar (Bruno), Scrambled Mind, Street Jungle (Heatbeat), Frog fairground (Flame), Terminal Fckp, Nazgul (Jester), Global trash (Jesper Kyd), Cream of the earth, 1989 A Number (R. Knight), Yo Africa, Total Triple Trouble, End Theme II (Static), Desert Dream (Laxity), Klisje paa Klisje (Walkman), TJA, many modules from Moby, Jogeir Liljedahl, Mantronix, Lizardking, Chromag, Diablo, Audiomonster, and many, many more...

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