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Purple of Never

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purple of never

by shih tzu

September 7 1997
5:23 AM <--do NOT ask ;)

Well. My first real
"orchestral" piece. Came
out quite nicely if I may
say so. Patterns 00-07 I
actually wrote a while
back, when I was trying to
write some Squaresoftish

I realize the flute and
the english horn pop at
times when they're
triggered, but I have no
idea why because I'm a
sucky tracker. If anyone
has any suggestions,
you're free to mail me,
as I rather like this
piece and would like to
perfect it as much as

Thanks to everyone who
tracks FF music for the
great orchestral samples,
and yes, those ARE
Skaven's strings. I
didn't know they bugged
people so much when I
began this.

Greets to: Kyrn, Drahktar,
Red Lightning, TSSF, WMR,
Mishehu, Jesse D, Rhino,
#trax in general, and
anyone else who wants one.

in memory of abby the pug

once i
(purple of


Info Info

purple_of_never.s3m is a S3M format module. Uncompressed, it is 163.53KB in size and has been downloaded 1038 times since Fri 6th Jan 2006 :D

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