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This Is A Dream

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This Is A Dream
Composed By

Well, It's Raining Like
Mad In The Vaal Triangle!
So, With Nothing Else To
Do, I Grabbed Some Rave
CD's And Made Samples
And Created This Song!

Greetings To
DAC FoxX W.X.Y Baroque
IntroNyx NightHawk
Ian Angela And YOU!
Yeah! YOU!

Please Don't Rip These
Samples! They Where My
4 Hours Of Recording Joy!

Don't Rip This Song Either!
If You Know What's Good
For You!


Info Info

this_is_a_dream.s3m is a S3M format module. Uncompressed, it is 304.72KB in size and has been downloaded 931 times since Sat 10th Dec 2005 :D

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