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-WOoLfGiRL MaNia-

By: zaril

dl XM Download

Info Internal Texts

-Woolfgirl Mania-

Dedicated to Victoria

Sunny Wonderful Days
Awaits The Kind And
Victoria Woolfrey!
Song Duration...
- 3 min & 39 sec -
Made By...
- ZaRiL KRioN -
mIRC channel...
ICQ Number...
- 7698022 -

Thanks, goes to...

Lizard King,
source of inspiration.

great music ideas.

the person who brought
me the mood to create
this happy tune. ('_')

the hardworking guy
who we owe many thx

David Payson,
the source of all good
compliments and good

Jane Lee,
who brings joy to all
her friends and I am
fortunate to be one.

All my beloved friends
in Town Square...
Thanks for every
second together all.
Merry x-mas and a


Info Info

zk_woolf.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 391.48KB in size and has been downloaded 2446 times since Fri 25th Dec 1998 :D

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comments Comments

I found this song to be nice, happy type of song. Being that This artist made it in Dedication of another. It shows a great reflection of how the atrist feels about this person. It has nice tones. Smooth sound, nice piano textures and mixing is great. Overall i think it's a great tune. Very worthy of a try. This song has great melody, and nice piano pieces put into it. Great mixing. It holds nice form. The intro is great, along with the ending.. Over all paning is great. This song was well written, and devised.

Posted by TMA Placeholder Account on Wed 9th Jun 1999


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