Hand picked selections of the best tracked music


The Forgotten Soul

By: zerion

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"The Forgotten Soul"

By: z e r i o n

_ Tobias Karlsson
If you whant more
music visit my TiS


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Song time: 4.20 min
FutureFrog, Cronos,
Matte, Smasher, Sepe
Axlantis, Spiral, Sway
PerZZon and everyone
i have forgotten...
sorry =)

All samples are taken
from various artists..

Big thanks to you!!!!!



Main Piano.Unknown


reason behind it was t
days I've ever had, an


Info Info

zer_tfs.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 766.32KB in size and has been downloaded 2874 times since Fri 4th Aug 2000 :D

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Once again a nice gentle ambient piece that is set nowhere in particular but feels nice and has no real down points other than it does not stand out any more from the rest of the ambient pieces. While there is is not technically anything wrong with this piece it does not set any new standard from other ambient pieces, however it is FAR from poor and is flawlessly done !

Posted by TMA Placeholder Account on Mon 9th Oct 2000


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