Hand picked selections of the best tracked music


Way Of The Dragon

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wotd.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 230.46KB in size and has been downloaded 4028 times since Wed 1st Jan 1997 :D

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I think that even though it is short... It loops pretty well. Also, IMO I really like the drum track and melody use.

Posted by iggs95 on Thu 22nd Apr 2021

This surely doesn't deserve 1/10. It's short, sure, but it's nice to listen to :-)

Posted by mallo on Tue 7th Jul 2015

What the hell is this? The song is 27 seconds long? It doesn't sound too bad, but come on. DO NOT DOWNLOAD THIS SONG. I can't believe this guy got away with uploading this song. It should be deleted. Samples are good quality so you can download the song to rip 'em, but if you're looking for a tune to listen to skip this one. This "artist" doesn't know what he's doing..

Posted by TMA Placeholder Account on Wed 16th Dec 1998


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