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Carol of the Bells

By: Tito

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"Carol of the Bells"
Presented in 5/4
by Alex "Tito" Kane
Props to all the
shiny happy people
at TMA, if it pleases
Written Dec. 2004 on
some boring night...
High Hat Closed
High Hat Semi-Open
Studio Bass Drum
Studio Snare Drum
Fk Rock Bass A2
Orchestra Cymbal
Studio Snare Drum

Rp Glockenspiel C6
Rp Glockenspiel C7


Info Info

tito_carolofthebells.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 928.10KB in size and has been downloaded 1692 times since Wed 29th Dec 2004 :D

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This is pretty cool. Maybe a little disjointed in sounds with the glock, but works pretty good otherwise.

Posted by veedgo on Sun 5th Dec 2010


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