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Why Do I Feel Like This?

By: Lonnie Taylor

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I don't know why I feel
this way and no one can
help me....

SnT by Lonnie Taylor
aka Xero

Press Shift F9 for some

Why Do I Feel Like This?

Lifestyle changes aren't easy. Wish I could just convert like a season.

Created By Lonnie Taylor (aka Xero)




Info Info

x_why.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 337.33KB in size and has been downloaded 2300 times since Thu 17th Dec 1998 :D

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"Why Do I Feel Like This?" is a nice mod, but it starts out with a uncoordinated sounding HiHat, but it turns out ok. Then goes into what sounds like to me coordinated chaos, and then straightens out and uses nice bass and piano samples. On a Technical rating this song gets minus points for the beginning HiHat, but it makes up for it by using it underneath the melody. Great use of samples and it seems to fill the room with sound. A good tune for relaxing time!

Posted by TMA Placeholder Account on Thu 7th Jan 1999


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