Hand picked selections of the best tracked music



By: jogeir-liljedahl

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- Jogeir & Unreal -
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superfly.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 798.26KB in size and has been downloaded 4037 times since Sun 27th Jun 1999 :D

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The song starts almost like a dream, the samples come in realisticly, the drums start pounding at the precise moment, and the entire song couldn't be more polished. Not long after this, though, the musicians obviously got drunk and fell to sleep with their head rolling over the keyboard. No, seriously, its not that bad, but the song loses its intial quality and becomes annoying just a bit too quickly for my personal liking. It does have a memorable melody though, so it might be worth downloading. Another person who decided to nick some speech samples from *anywhere* and just slap them in. Well hey, it worked, didn't it? Some of the samples are a bit 'weak' to really fit into the song, and some of the stereo quality is poor. The samples are of very high quality however and because of this its all worth downloading.

Posted by TMA Placeholder Account on Sun 19th Sep 1999


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