Hand picked selections of the best tracked music



By: Lizardking

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varanen.mod is a MOD format module. Uncompressed, it is 217.13KB in size and has been downloaded 8813 times since Tue 14th Dec 1999 :D

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A little lacking for a video game finale. But it could get there.

Posted by Talasonic on Tue 31st Mar 2015

I have never reviewed a song by lizardking before. Even though i got 191 ! of his songs on my hd. :) This song is a little bit more than an ordinary lizardking mod. But it is far from his best work. It starts as an ambient tune, then it speeds up a little bit and you immidietly recognise it as a lizardking mod. The nice lead in the middle and the great ending with the piano ballad is what makes this song great. As usual with this mans work, there is absolutely nothing to complain about on the technical aspects. 4-channels. Plays for 3.44. 3 Different parts in this song. Everything is great.

Posted by Ghidorah on Tue 8th Feb 2000


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