Hand picked selections of the best tracked music


send me drift'n

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send me drift'n

inspired by elwood
wave and zauron

samples from cds, vox
and softsynthesis
I heard the piglets
screaming "send
me drift'n" -jesus

zauron rocks, his
vocal tunes rule!

it felt like I was
but I'm o.k.
I heard the piglets
send me drift'n
send me drift'n


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smd.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 970.83KB in size and has been downloaded 2216 times since Sat 22nd Jan 2000 :D

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comments Comments

I also like the vocals and the voice of zauron.

I play again with a tune in Modplug-Tracker.
The result is more simple and monoton again. It is not very good but there.
My download contain the tracker tune and a real11 mpeg4-audio file with 48kbps.


Posted by Janko Weber on Sat 20th May 2017

Nice tune by Hunz, yet a bit short. As always, great vocals and sweet melodies!

Posted by Saga Musix on Tue 21st Jul 2009


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