Hand picked selections of the best tracked music



By: Sirrus

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|- S n o w D r i f t -|

b y

s i r r u s

[independent] :)

inspired by a week of
boredom and the 80 million
feet of snow surrounding
my life :-!

im not TOO sure how this
tune is grabbing me as of
yet, but i guess i kinda
like it :)

<mail me , im a jerk>


siren, necros, néro, dan,
basehead, uncleEd, ms,
iv, flozz, gd, and uh...
huhuhuuhhu.. beetlo :)

samples from siren, nec,
soundwave, myself, and
one of 273654234 shitty
archives that ive used :I

(c) 1995 Bryan Rudge

subliminal messages rule!!


Info Info

SNOWD.S3M is a S3M format module. Uncompressed, it is 615.92KB in size and has been downloaded 4171 times since Wed 1st Jan 1997 :D

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I've loved this tune since '98.. I don't think i'll ever get sick of it.

sure the samples aren't for audiophiles but the main thing that really counts is that theres no torturous instruments out of place, its just a simple breakbeat carrying everything along so very effectively.

I gave it a 9 because I wish it was longer

Posted by porridge brain on Fri 4th Mar 2011


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