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Outta Breath 3

By: Mr. Stewe

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> PsykkoPhobia Bros.


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pb_outta.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 518.16KB in size and has been downloaded 2261 times since Sun 1st Mar 1998 :D

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This track opens with some really nice phrasing, and a cool syncopated rhythm, but then goes into a really badly mixed track. The offbeats are way too load, and are a piercing piano sample. The track's chord progressions are simple, and a bit repetitive as well. The lead is written fairly well however, as is the underlying syncopated synth. Overall, this is not a great track, and one I would not highly recommend. There's some really nice low and mid syncopated rhythms, but not much else besides that to make this track stand out. The late portion of the song's arrangement is styled much better than the earlier portions, but still lacks flair. The dynamic control needs work, as does the arrangement.

Posted by Azo (Jesse Worley) on Thu 18th Feb 1999


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