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Moonlight Princess

By: Muzikweaver

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Greetings again.
Finally had some time
on my hands to make
this slow, soothing
song. Just relax as
you are taken away to
a world of magic and
wonder. Oh yeah, and
thanx to the instru-
ment suppliers out
there. Till next time,
keep modding!

Copyright 1999


Goa Bassdrum


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mkw-moon.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 446.56KB in size and has been downloaded 2901 times since Sun 7th Feb 1999 :D

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The song starts with a haunting synth combined with strings and cool intense trance-like bass. Then it moves to a nice peaceful organ melody, which is very nice sounding, and the strings make the feeling like orchestral. The leads in this song are very professional sounding and this is a very interesting song all the ways, especially if you are bored to the usual dance songs out there. The samples are very good, and there are no tuning errors. Also this song has that difference to many other songs, that also the ending is composed with care, and it gives the song a very nice "aftertaste". Also the transition from the spooky and trancey beginning to the piano sequence is very good sounding.

Posted by The Nuke on Mon 5th Apr 1999


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