Hand picked selections of the best tracked music



By: nighthawk

dl XM Download

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Composed by
Nighthawk of
tp & pfs

Released nov 99


(c) Martin Freij 99




Info Info

nwk-road.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 2.05MB in size and has been downloaded 7491 times since Tue 25th Jan 2000 :D

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Ha, I recognize that one; Who could forget the wailing guitars (straight outta some 1991 Amiga mod), the hammy beats, the playful bass lines. And the piano glitter on top of it all. What a wonderful cheesecake of a tune.

Posted by tomaes on Sun 11th May 2014

This tune is awesome! Good mixing and tracking skills are not the only strength of Nighthawk's composition - I really like the mood in this one, the leads are pretty happy, the effects splendid and the transistions are really awesome. But why is there such a simple fadout?! Nevertheless, definitely a recommended module! It's one of the best tunes I've come across in the last few days!

Posted by Saga Musix on Sat 5th Jul 2008

This is a kind of music that is not that common. It has a very calming effect on the listener. Jazzy funky melodies mixed with some kind of new age or ambient music is a great idea. The composer sure knew what he wanted to do when he made this. The only reason I don't give it a 10 is because it's not the absolute most perfect piece of music of all times, just very close to being. I can not find anything to complain about. Samples: great Use of samples and effects: absolutely perfect anything else: just great

Posted by Komsip on Tue 8th Feb 2000


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