Hand picked selections of the best tracked music


missing you

By: doh

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doh / dreamdealers
in juanuary 2001
a new chiptune
made for my dearest
* asa *

anata ga hoshii desu


if you listen this
music on pc, seek for
the optimized version
i made, to override
modplug numerous bugs
missing_you(pc vers.)
or the mp3 version !!

hi to my friends
hi to my few fans
thank you for support

contact :
download :
doh/drd - 23 jan 2001


Info Info

missing2.mod is a MOD format module. Uncompressed, it is 60.66KB in size and has been downloaded 9002 times since Thu 15th Nov 2001 :D

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This is truly one of the best tunes I`ve ever heard in over 15 years of tracking. Awesome meldodies, awesome techniques,AWESOME !!!

Posted by Impaler on Mon 10th Jan 2011

I love this chiptune. It's technically perfect as far as I'm concerned. The melody is very humanized, well thought, comes from out there. Only 4 voices, adds to the achievement, but who cares.

Posted by a-lin on Fri 13th Aug 2010

Drool warning! "missing you by doh is a truly professional chiptune! doh has made so many awesome tunes, but "missing you" is one of my absolute favorites. It's advanced and it's long. The leads in this tune are in my opinion unmatched for a chiptune.

Posted by warhawk on Sat 10th Nov 2007


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