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One small step

By: ron

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One small step

Ron '98


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onestep.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 1.92MB in size and has been downloaded 4221 times since Sun 24th Dec 2000 :D

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Very good relexing hip-hop tune mixed with classic music and acoustic guitar,it sounds like the band Faithless. the track is just 3 mins so it doesn't get repetitve. this is the kind of trax u can listen to millions of times and u never get tired of it.. The composer used a hip-hop breakbeat that sounds excellent with the strings and the other samples and he used alot of echo which gives the track the relexing feeling of it.. the samples are in high quality and the composer used many effects,the track starts in a very cool way and it ends in the same way. the voice samples are great,i`m sure the composer recorded them by himself.

Posted by TMA Placeholder Account on Wed 11th Aug 1999


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