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mattias' adventures!

By: chavez

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by chavez / funktion
(aka tommi arrela)

completed 25.07.2000

for lcp 2k musiccompo

dedicated to a _very_
special friend of
mine, mr. mattias
hope u like it! =)

most samples by radix
and loonie, thank you


tommi arrela
ranta-antin tie 1a3
99870 inari

(c)2000 chippendales!


Info Info

mattiasa.mod is a MOD format module. Uncompressed, it is 26.51KB in size and has been downloaded 7445 times since Fri 26th Jan 2001 :D

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comments Comments

Hi there, and welcome the adventures of Mattias. This adventure is about a tiny little chipsong. Even though it is small and only 4 channels it is a great song. It is a very happy one with lot of nice and catchy things. If you think that this adventure last to short(2.20) you could always do as i did when i reivewed this song. Listen to it 5 times in a row. It doesnt get boring! :) Even on the technical part "Mattias Adventures" shows incredible and amazing stuff. But i noticed one small thing. At pattern 11 (pos1c) for example there is some false tones not matching each other. Sounds like this artist is inspired by wotw. the end

Posted by Ghidorah on Sun 28th Jan 2001


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