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By: Heatbeat

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composed by
heatbeat / carillon

p.o. box 68
87101 kajaani


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matkamie.mod is a MOD format module. Uncompressed, it is 9.23KB in size and has been downloaded 1953 times since Tue 18th Nov 2003 :D

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This chiptune is one of my favorites. The melody is mind-blowingly great. Imo, a real classic.

Posted by govatsapadam on Thu 17th Dec 2020

This is chip tune at it's best, very melodic and varied. The use of crappy samples is great. This song reminds of the best game songs from old Nintendos. Only problem is the shortness of the song, only a minute long, but this is still a fine example to do a chip tune. Very good use of effects here, and composer showed that a chip tune doesn't have to sound awful or too loud. This song wouldn't shame itself with the Nintendo-game musics

Posted by The Nuke on Sun 14th Mar 1999


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