Hand picked selections of the best tracked music



By: xtd

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by: Xtd / TRSI&Mystic

Tune was ripped from
a polish game called
Kajko i Kokosz.

Ripped and converted
by:---=> Thrym <=---

_* Original Format: *
_* ProPacker_v2.1 *

_ Ripped'n'Converted
_ wiz Pro-Wizard 2.11
_ written by Gryzor!


Info Info

kajko_title.mod is a MOD format module. Uncompressed, it is 81.71KB in size and has been downloaded 2481 times since Sat 3rd Nov 2001 :D

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comments Comments

Well, it's a lot better technically than it is musically. Musically, it's very, very annoying. I must say that it IS unique, but after thirty seconds went by I was already sick of the main theme. Of course, it IS a game mod, so the musical aspect of it was not made by Thrym, but by whoever wrote the original music to the game. Fairly good. I can't say a whole lot about the sample quality. The guitar chords sound somewhat interesting, and good chord structure was used. It gets points for being in a time signature you don't normally hear in mod music (3/4). Makes good use overall of channels.

Posted by arcturus on Wed 12th Jun 2002


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