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War Stars

By: Jeroen -WAVE- Tel

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composed by
Jeroen Tel (WAVE)

(C) 1996
Maniacs of Noise

for cruelization #2
All rights of the
producer and the
owner of the work
reproduced reserved.
Unauthorised copying,
hiring, lending,
public performance and
broadcasting of this
XM module

greets to #TRAX
love to SHINE


Jeroen Tel (WAVE)
Maniacs of Noise (MoN)


All we should care
about anyway...

The Media
makes us see
everything that's bad
in the world.
Don't get too
cynical though.
6,000,000,000 people!
How many do bad?
It's only a small
But the Media makes us
think the world is
the most rotten place
in the Universe.
Okay, it ain't
perfect, and yes,
we should do
things a lot
different, but,
that doesn't mean we
all mean bad.
Soon we will realise
(I hope), we need to
organise the world
as a whole.
To keep ourselves
alive, we'll need
to give "nature" a
Lot's of people seem
to forget:
"We belong to nature,
Nature does NOT
belong to us".
The human race
is the most powerful
lifeform on earth,
but we're still
inferior to Nature.
Our environment can be
seen as 1 living
organism, with it's
own immunity system.
It's slow, but always
effective and has
never failed to
eliminate anything
that seems a
desease. We can
try to fight the
symptoms of earth's
reactions to us
(f.a. AIDS, etcetera)
but what we REALLY
should be doing is
fighting the cause of
it's reactions.
If we don't care
about the rainforests,
we simply don't care
about the air we
breath. Can you
imagine how it feels
breathing air with
less than 20%
oxygen? If we go on
destroying the
rainforests, we
won't have to
imagine it anymore,
but it would be a
reality soon.
At least, let's do
what can be done.
Save what can be
"Why not?" I'd say.
We have nothing to
loose, except
lead: synth pluc
lead: saw wave [C#5]
bass: fuzz bass [D-4]
perc: bassdrum
perc: hihat
perc: shake
perc: bass drum 2
perc: crash cymbal
perc: snare 2
perc: snare 1
fx: siren
Bass Drum
TR-808 C-Hihat
TR-808 O-Hihat
Ride Cymbal
Warmpad [E-5]
Chip Curch Organ [G#3]
Fingerbass [A-4]


Info Info

jt_wstar.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 221.71KB in size and has been downloaded 6012 times since Fri 28th Jul 2000 :D

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comments Comments

Very catchy, my 19 months old son likes to dance on it. Good work!

Posted by a-lin on Tue 8th Dec 2009


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