Hand picked selections of the best tracked music


hard to the core

By: u4ia

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by u4ia of megawatts
copyright 1992
feel like contacting
me? feel free.
e-mail accounts:
ol (in the uk)
uk (from outside uk)
or try this one.
o.edu (in the usa)
failing that, pick up
a pen and write to me
at this address.
32 ingleside road
bristol bs15 1hq
play loud. very loud!
hardcore; hard to the
core. a dance demo
will be coming out
soon with more rave
music on it for you.
to listen to.
if you would like me
to continue writing
music. let me know
before i give up!!!!


Info Info

hard_to.mod is a MOD format module. Uncompressed, it is 382.48KB in size and has been downloaded 2834 times since Sun 9th Jul 2000 :D

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Very nice piano line :)

Posted by Manical on Wed 27th Jul 2022


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