Hand picked selections of the best tracked music


"The Grey Note"

By: Necros

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"The Grey Note"

written by Necros / FM

for the musicdisk


Special thanks to:
Basehead/FM for the chord
progression which is used
throughout the piece.

Sax samples from:
Branford Marsalis

Other sample credits to
Basehead/FM, Leviathan/REN
and various Amiga people.

(C) 1995 Necros / FM


Info Info

greynote.s3m is a S3M format module. Uncompressed, it is 495.49KB in size and has been downloaded 5004 times since Wed 1st Jan 1997 :D

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This jazz tune is happy, delightful and entertaining! Great pianos, organ comp and what to speak of the superb drums (with a lot of jazzy variation) and sax of course. Love the way it starts and ends with public applause, which is apt, since this is excellently performed.

Posted by govatsapadam on Tue 18th Feb 2020

Some of the samples are a little out of tune and I think it sounds a little mechanic but it's still very good. I find the writing superb.
Also fun to hear a jazz module, and I don't mean the game but the genre.

Posted by Beyond on Thu 15th Mar 2012

Although I did not like this song personally, I do have to say this is an excellently designed and tracked mod. It takes a real talent to make a song of this magnitude and tastefulness. Even if you do not like this song, 99% of you will respect it and the author. What can I say about this one. Everything is done to a T and that T is a BIG T. The emphasis on this song is magnified by every little sample and every pattern. This is to Necros, if he reads this: "Keep up the damn good work please!" And to the rest of you, listen to the song.

Posted by TMA Placeholder Account on Sun 16th May 1999


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