Hand picked selections of the best tracked music


glow bug

By: Basehead

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(c) basehead / fm 1995

some samples and a few of
the patterns this was based
on are by: supernao/vd-flt
werd man -----^
contact: bh_axs.net
peace peace peace peace ...


Info Info

glowbug.s3m is a S3M format module. Uncompressed, it is 479.18KB in size and has been downloaded 9517 times since Wed 1st Jan 1997 :D

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Extremely visionary mod here.

Posted by sollapse on Wed 16th Apr 2014

Some realy mysterius noises for start, reminds me of a calm cruise in space. When i come there gliding around in my spaceship reading newspapers, a cool feeling. Then i wait til about 1:45 when the song starts, some hithats, a bassdrum and base. It gives still gives me this cool feeling about being out in space. It is indeed a cool environment basehead has created in this song. Good samples to create this space-feeling that i mentioned, it realy gives you a space trip. Very athmospheric, there is a sense of harmony in this song. Creating a good athmosphere is not always that easy so i admire basehead for that. Hmm.. The only thing i can find to complain about is its lenght, 6:30, but on the other hand, it makes the trip longer (No, im not on drugs, hehe). Very enjoyable indeed, good job basehead. Download if you like these athmospheric/spacey/ambient tunes, i like it.

Posted by warhawk on Tue 13th Jul 1999


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