Hand picked selections of the best tracked music


Void Glide

By: Gargoyle

dl IT Download

Info Internal Texts

? : Strings
? : Drum
? : Hi-hat2
? : Surra
BenLoh : cello
? : Snare
? : Flute
? : Piano
Salt : Woooo

? : Crash
? :
? : Flute
ArchAngel: Choire 2
ArchAngel: Choire 1

Void Glide

by Gargoyle 2000


by Gargoyle 2000, 2001

Originally made for a
One-Hour-Compo on DALnet
and enhanced afterwards.
I would really like to
know where most of the
samples come from, they
came in a compopack.

Identified Samples:
2 by ArchAngel (choirs)
1 by BenLoh (cello)
1 by Salt

Void Glide

by Gargoyle 2000, 2001

This tune is not concepted as a bigger project.
It was originally made for a One-Hour-Compo on DALnet
that some of the #modarchive visitors carried out on August 3rd, 2000.

The samples for this compo came in a random samplepack.

This isn't the version I participated with. I "enhanced" the song a bit
and exchanged some of the samples a few months after the online compo.

Don't take this tune too serious, though.
I just thought that I could make it available in case somebody cares. :P

Greetings to
the participants of the OHC:

.myself :)
.a few more people whose names I cannot recall...sorry...

Further Greetings:

.Everybody on #modarchive

.Sir Magicman

Gargoyle 2000, 2001



Info Info

glideohc.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 1.10MB in size and has been downloaded 3318 times since Tue 6th Nov 2001 :D

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