Hand picked selections of the best tracked music


Flat Hat

By: Cube&Sphere

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"Flat Hat" by

made in less than 2hrs
not cause its easy
but cause I'am Xpert
*89) :)

time 3:50

Check this out Beast

sepe... etc


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cas-fh7.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 201.49KB in size and has been downloaded 4353 times since Sun 27th Jun 1999 :D

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This Song has a great and extraordinary melody which is put together using soft Samples which fit perfectly. There is a great bass and cool bells but the best in this track is the beat which really IS funky. This Song really can make you feel high. Technically a absolute perfect song. the Samples, especially the bass are really chosen very good. The whole structure of this tune is very smoth and makes you to hit the repeat-button. Sample quality is good and the melody is not one of that silly standard melodies you often found in c64 games. Great Tune C&P. Download it now.

Posted by TMA Placeholder Account on Mon 28th Jun 1999


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