Hand picked selections of the best tracked music


" Dawn main theme "

By: Awesome

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" Dawn main theme "

by Awesome

of the Wild Bits
I dedicate this song
to M.Angel Blanco, who
was killed by a
terrorist organisation

You'll always be in
our minds, M.Angel.

------- Awesome ------

This song is the main
theme of the music
disk 'Dawn'.
Get it at the
Wild Bits homepage:
Visit also the Awesome
WHQ - Blastersound BBS
+34 - 58 - 293 - 583

Hope you enjoy this
great song.
Greets to all the
spanish demogroups
and to Skaven, Pmotion
Lizardking and Naiad!
Love to my girl. Dawn.

See you soon.



Info Info

aws_dawn.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 1.15MB in size and has been downloaded 10120 times since Wed 9th Feb 2000 :D

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comments Comments

This is another awesome song by Awesome. This is a very relaxing song to listen to and lasts 5m and 22s. From its slow and quiet introduction to its progressive melody, numerous well performed musical effects and its fadeout ending this song is a masterpiece. This song is enjoyable even after multiple listens. This track was tracked with the skill of a professional tracker. All the samples are of high quality and are organized within this track for maximum impact. The quality of this tracks progression is amazing throughout the length of this track. This song is one of the best tracked and is worth a listen.

Posted by TMA Placeholder Account on Thu 14th Dec 2000


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