Hand picked selections of the best tracked music



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Don't we all hate
getting out of bed?
A tune about ignoring
the alarmclock and
pulling the sheets
over the head and
float back into the
world of dreams.
Pity though that God
created the "make
annoying noises again
after 5 minutes"-
Greetings to Qumran
who insisted for me
to start using tracker
kasta macka i orsasjon
and a great hail to:
Also listen to such
great artists as:

*Ost (group with me,
Qumran and swan.net)

spot the quote

"It was the year when
they finally
immanentized the


by dknation


Info Info

awakenin.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 2.15MB in size and has been downloaded 3290 times since Tue 16th May 2000 :D

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comments Comments

Not to bad a tune first 30 sec's is just a tick tock then it starts to build up with strings ect.not my type of music per say but it's different been well thought out and that comes across

Posted by BtMe on Sat 29th Jan 2011

This is awesome man!

Posted by Qumran on Fri 28th Jan 2011


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