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MATOR - 15 / 12 / 00



MATOR - 15 / 12 / 00
Version muy libre de uno
de los mejores temas del
maestro Hans Zimmer.

En mi opinion, una
pieza que no me ha
quedado nada mal.

Mis agradecimientos a
Kunaia, Naoki y Mystica
por haberla oido y
valorado. Espero que os


Martin D.C.





Info Info

adventure.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 532.26KB in size and has been downloaded 12914 times since Mon 12th Feb 2001 :D

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comments Comments

I didn't like the intro, but the rest of the song is great. It sounds very triumphal and it's a typical orchestral song. I can't say more... The samples are very good, but the trumpet samples don't fit the song by my opinion. That's my critic. All other is great!

Posted by TMA Placeholder Account on Thu 26th Dec 2002


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