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░▒ AnotherNightOfThought ▒░

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Info Internal Texts

Drum Big Upright
Drum Snare Rx
Cymbal Freed
Cymbal Tap
Cymbal Tapped Out
Clear Flute Bass
Piano Strong
Guitar Bajo1
Guitar Mezo1
Relaxed Mix
░▒ AnotherNightOfThought ▒░
"Before you finally depart
I wish to make you live
once more and more"──Harle
Ever wake up at night to
find yourself thinking
about someone close?
And wonder what to hate?
The drunk driver? The
twisted road? The cruel way
the world worked that one
Then you find yourself
remembering about the time
you shared with her and
believe that there is still
some good in the world?
Anyway, How's the Music??


Info Info

ATHOUGHT.S3M is a S3M format module. Uncompressed, it is 299.85KB in size and has been downloaded 2313 times since Wed 1st Jan 1997 :D

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