Hand picked selections of the best tracked music



By: Zodiak

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tracked by zodiak

the m o d u l e
h e x a p p e a l
A demo created by the
Cascada demo section
In the summer of 1993
the original appeal
mod was trashed cause
The demo turned out to
Be less technoish than
we had planned

So here goes this laid
back tune instead
Many thanks to
sun dial
jesus and mary chain
dr awesome
For the samples
All sampling done on a
Sb pro and a pas 16
today is forever
dreams burn down
its here and now

Nae nu fare fan va nog
Nu ska vi gora klart
Demot hare lugnt


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APPEAL.MOD is a MOD format module. Uncompressed, it is 449KB in size and has been downloaded 11239 times since Wed 1st Jan 1997 :D

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I thought this song was named cascade.it and was wondering why that one was broken because it didn't sound like this! But nope, it was me.
THIS is the best tune ever! I luv it! :)

Posted by sRMO1EK on Wed 14th Nov 2018


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