Hand picked selections of the best tracked music




dl XM Download

Info Internal Texts

It is the 16th of Aug,
that's today, and I'm
ready and proud to
release my
muzak compo!

All samples except the
the drums made by me
You may use any of
the samples freely,
but please send me a
mail so I know some1
is using my samples :)

"Oh happy day"

Feel free to contact
me via Email or Snail
Name: Niklas Silen
Alias: BtM
Soukankaari 8 A 3
02360 Espoo, Finland


Info Info

AHA.XM is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 972.59KB in size and has been downloaded 8159 times since Wed 1st Jan 1997 :D

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