Hand picked selections of the best tracked music


Destin: La Lune

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with some help
from SLASH (thx!)
Destination: The Moon

And the moon is female
in French. And destin
doesnt mean destination.
Too late ... and ...
I like it that way.

Well. Slash0r only
worked on this for a very
a short time. I wish
it would have been more
he'd done. And hell,
even nobody else wanted
to help me with this one.
Those bitches :(

hhat thing - wave
synth wow - wave
guitar - bigjim
Stringy thing - lilelk

bell thing - dunno

Snare - necros
bassd - necros

SteelString - Dunno


Info Info

dest.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 143.47KB in size and has been downloaded 1098 times since Tue 11th Feb 2020 :D

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Sounds fresh. I like reverbed sound and especially the drums. The end part saves the experience for me.

Posted by govatsapadam on Mon 27th Apr 2020


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