Hand picked selections of the best tracked music



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#by fby - musician -
present: blade runner
main theme, when the
city of the future
appear in front of yu
& listen the sounds..
contact fby if you
want music for your
demo or videogame
fby is available for
all kind of exchange
also instruments....
(more then 300 mods)
(75mb of instruments)
contact him to the
official softone bbs
we are looking for
cool people, especial
graphics (2d)....
or contact him to
system shock bbs
bernardo innocenti
amiga 4000/040 14mb
1gb hd cdrom online
all for amiga & pc!!!


Info Info

fby_-_bladerunner.mod is a MOD format module. Uncompressed, it is 224.11KB in size and has been downloaded 270 times since Tue 5th Nov 2019 :D

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