Hand picked selections of the best tracked music


Sunshower Meteorite

By: Vince Kaichan

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Info Internal Texts

Bass Drum

Snare Drum
Snare Drum

High Hat Closed
Fretless Bass
Fingered Bass
Pan Flute
Open Triangle (Standard)
Electric Guitar Muted
Crystal Piano A3
High Hat Open
an0va - Saw (lo

Strat Guitar

FX Rain
JP1 F#4
Bass Drum
Bass Drum
Snare Drum
Snare Drum
Fk High Hat Closed 1
Fretless Bass B1
Fingered Bass C3
Pan Flute
Electric Guitar Muted
Electric Guitar Muted
Electric Guitar Muted


Crystal Piano A3
High Hat Open
an0va - Saw (lo
Strat Guitar D3
Strat Guitar G3
Strat Guitar B3
Strat Guitar E4
FX Rain
Sunshower Meteorite
by Vince Kaichan 2016


Info Info

vince_kaichan_-_sunshower_meteorite.mptm is a MPTM format module. Uncompressed, it is 2.05MB in size and has been downloaded 1520 times since Fri 15th Jul 2016 :D

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comments Comments

Absolutely great! Is to close eyes and not want to open them...

Posted by Psirius on Tue 28th May 2019

Been playing this over the past few days,From the start we get a nice deep base to start this track off,From there we get some nice melody's from those nice pan flutes and the piano when it kicks in just uplifts the track and adding it's atmosphere.Overall it's a lovely track just to have playing away i cant stick a genre to the track because i cant make up my mind if it's a pop or a jazz or even new age tune :P or a mix of all 3,the one thing it does have is a beautiful atmosphere which is moody in certain parts well worth the time to dl and or listen ........

Posted by BtMe on Tue 19th Jul 2016


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