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something which u should
not lose

hit shift-f9

send roses and thorns at

by devic
style:trancey, fusion,???
playing time ; 5:18

maz sound, typhoon,
thanx for the samples.
Roots- by devic

in the old, old days, whenever man had a problem he used to go to a
particular place in the forest and say a certain prayer and meditate. and
GOD would show him the way.
as generations passed, to solve his problems he performed the same ritual
but forgot the prayer. even then GOD obliged.
again as generations passed, he forgot the place and performed the ritual
anywhere, even then GOD obliged.
having had enough of this GOD cleaned up the world and it started afresh.
this is all about losing our roots.
never lose them.

this is how the cycle goes on. the yugs go on this way.

mail me to know what the heck is "yugs"?

Song : roots
style : trancey, fusion?
playing time : 5:18 approx.
author : devang_flashmail.com

prashant, genosha, and all my friends and those who know me

mazsound,genosha,typhoon, and those whose samps i've used. thanks for the
great samples.


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dd-roots.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 431.88KB in size and has been downloaded 775 times since Fri 14th Nov 2014 :D

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