Hand picked selections of the best tracked music



By: Impaler

dl XM Download

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This tune was written
by"The Impaler"
Finally finished in

Greetings to all at

New instrument
New instrument
New instrument
New instrument
for my great friends
from northstar france

many f**ks to tip
from dual crew for

Made with FT2 1997
music composed by
For the introsequence


Info Info

impaler_-_remember.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 247.09KB in size and has been downloaded 1608 times since Wed 22nd Oct 2014 :D

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comments Comments

Very good work again as in other metal songs by this artist.... similar in structure, now the melody is different... you can listen good arrangements with the instruments combo... moreover, you can't get bored while listening Impaler's songs... wowowow, the kick drum sounds powerful with such a quicker and quicker BPM for it! ^^

Posted by TRiGGER on Wed 22nd Oct 2014


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