Hand picked selections of the best tracked music



By: ko0x

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6 month without release...real life got me :/
Trying my best to track once in a while. Anyway, this was a ohc tune with the
title "TeddyHymn", i thought it had some potential so i continued it.
Thx to Alpha C and malodix this tune was used in the "FarmFest 2009
Invitation by Artificials & Projekt Carnival" which can be found here:


And thx to m0d theres some live footage on youtube. Thx again :)


(chiptunes sound so fucking cool on a big PA)

Anyway, CARNIVAL!!!!!!


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ko0x_-_farmfest2009invitation.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 95.51KB in size and has been downloaded 2862 times since Sat 6th Jun 2009 :D

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Great melody packed into a great chip music! Excellent melody feeling with very good samples! Download this track - it´s a "must" for all chip-music-fans!!! Excellent work.

Posted by Arne Puszelski on Sat 6th Jun 2009


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