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By: joule

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expressions by joule
named "rainbow-jewel"
000922 18:50
i'm 2o years old this
day so i'm giving you
a little something...
a birthday-remix of
some chiptoones..

i wanna hello these:
sChindler, manOwarez,
pigeOn, jessiCa,
maniaC, nyfiKen, bOray
mr.real, cOrnflake,
niKe, oBBe, surveY..

contact me
joule_amiga.tm for any
reason at all

koppirajt _ joel j:son

får man fortsätta göra
chippar även fast man
fyllt 20?! *kris*



Info Info

joule_-_rainbow.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 36.79KB in size and has been downloaded 3109 times since Tue 3rd Mar 2009 :D

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Joule you got it! You´re one of the best chip-composer!!! Absolutly perfect - samples, composing, etc... keep on working!

Posted by Arne Puszelski on Wed 4th Mar 2009


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