Hand picked selections of the best tracked music


we are flying

By: ko0x

dl IT Download

Info Internal Texts

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<::. \ÈË»ÉÍÍ=- we are flying -=ÍÍËͼ\ .::>
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:: Éͼ ÉÍ 1:55 min ÈÍ»__ \ ::
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:: Ⱥ» ÈÍ modplug tracker ɺ¼____ \ ::
:: _______ºº ºº______ \ ::
:+\ ______ºº Turn Resampling off! ºº +:
:: \ _____ºº Use mpt or xmplay ºº ::
.: \ ____ºº ºº ::
::' \ ___ºÍ» - 08.06.2008 - Éͺ ':
\º º º
: .__who's flying with me?_. : __
' . ' ( __)
: ._joule_._mano_. : (_ __)
. ._._adde_._bzl_._fup_:_. .
___ : .__:_alpha_c_._mrgamer_.vibe_. :
_( __) _ [ ._michu_:_BiTL_._yozfitz_._yero_. ]
(_ ______) $ _._masahiro_._okeanos_._lamb_._ $
8 ._saga musix_._m0d_._cerror_._noof_. 8 /\/\
M ._._zinger_._dalezy_._silent_. M
* .__bero_:_mrvegas_._yugo amaryl_. *
: ._._pip malt_._drjacko_._. :

/\/\ __ _
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_( __)_ //\
(_______) /\/\

plz watch with Terminal


Info Info

ko0x_-_we_are_flying.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 69.86KB in size and has been downloaded 3326 times since Thu 12th Jun 2008 :D

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comments Comments

AARGH!!! PURE BLISS DETECTED!!!! this tune is like a cannabis for a scenemusic addict. i don't know how to describe this short masterpiece in other words - somebody teach me those tricky words like "arpegios" and "bridges" and so on and so on... just download it, and let the bliss touch you.

Posted by A-zTech on Sat 25th Oct 2008


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