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(plus edit)

just another piece of
my usual hard trance
nothing special really

date (mix): mar 2nd
length: min 4:30 sec
coding time: 4 hours
size: about 418kb
samples from:
ripped here and there,
made the voice sample
Greets to:
TMC and the other
trackers in the
WINFUN forum on cis
also to my on- and
offline friends.

It would ne nice to
finally get *some*
feedback... :)


about this mix:
I simply added some
strings to the main
part, and a nicer
hihat figure.

sampled by AKA


Info Info

xp-being.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 418.65KB in size and has been downloaded 8785 times since Tue 2nd Mar 1999 :D

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