Hand picked selections of the best tracked music


cool as a cucumber

dl IT Download

Info Internal Texts

Bright Saw Lead
Saw Lead
Whir Lead
Fuzzy Saw
Fuzzy Saw
Square Lead
Fuzzy Glass
Nes Kick
Clip Snare
Sine Kick
Closed Hihat
Open Hat
Saw Lead
you laugh at my jokes and
when i post a song you
go and listen to it
you are snarky and cute

marry me ian!!

oh shoot gabi beat me to
it, and in 12 hours you
will be tying the knot!
oh my god :O
i hope you two stay happy
and healthy for like
1000 years

love love loooooooove


Info Info

cool_as_a_cucumber.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 64.50KB in size and has been downloaded 2556 times since Sun 3rd Jun 2007 :D

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comments Comments

Chip music on a very high level. Happyness and great song building. Listen to this song and decide by your own. Great bass line - great song!

Posted by Arne Puszelski on Sat 10th Oct 2009


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