Hand picked selections of the best tracked music


Dreams above Clouds

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"Dreams above Clouds"
Zage of TLL

Length: 4'07

Date: 13.07.-97

0d,16 by me.
...and thanx to all
those whose samples
was ripped.....ehhh

Patch sample
Module made using
Digi Booster Pro 2.18


Info Info

dreams_above_clouds.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 600.25KB in size and has been downloaded 1130 times since Sun 6th Mar 2005 :D

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comments Comments

Nice little track on the first few plays nice and relaxing for the most part.Good intro does set up the track well, which gently pulls you in side it's charm.the down side is at parts it does not really work well as said intro was good (bit to long) then it moves forward to a more upbeat style till tracks end.Good track with some nice ideas in there also the end was a let down ish just out of place !.Overall well worth a listen and or dl

Posted by BtMe on Wed 5th Dec 2012


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