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s c o r p i k
P U L S E ' 97
Part I ( bird & flute)
' Amazon dreams '
Part II (noise & drum)
' droid'em all! '
smp. #4-#8 by Falcon
..sorry and thanks...

Fujary studios



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my_styles.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 1001.91KB in size and has been downloaded 4241 times since Sun 15th Apr 2001 :D

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Another masterpiece from one of Scorpik's modules, it has so much feelings and lovely melodies on this one.. well especially the flute on this one as it ruled and even the quiet guitar on the background until the second part of the track starts. The track is really worth listening! :)

Posted by Brittle the Bumblebee on Sun 28th Sep 2014

An excellent music with so much feelings and ambient. I like the flute in this track. This music is a real trip into the world of fantasy. Great!

Posted by Arne Puszelski on Wed 5th Jan 2011

I agree with the previous commentator. This has a real awesome feel to it. I am not a pop or R&B person, but this has a great groove, great 'chops' for the flute sample (it reminds me of a jazzy Ian Anderson with tremolo over-blows and everything). It then goes into this rather nicely done serene harp and flute part and it tastefully goes back and forth. It is really a great piece of work.
Then there's this really bizarre industrial abstract part! What a song...it hits everything pretty well.

Posted by veedgo on Sun 5th Dec 2010

one of the most awesome tunes by Scorpik. it's very atmospheric. it has awesome flute, good quiet guitar background, and the whole tune is just a magnificient flight of fantasy. it's worth listening and a must have for all Scorpik fans.

Posted by A-zTech on Tue 14th Oct 2008


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