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Allright !

by vincent monnier****

and ronan lefebvre****

WiRED 95 multichannel
compo !!

life is rocknroll !!

email to :

da greets :
-> Melting Pot
--> Megabusters
---> Antares
----> Druid
-----> Rommel
------> Ozone
-------> Imphobia
--------> Impact Stud.
-------> Hypernova
------> The Natives
-----> Eclipse
---> No Limit Coding
--> Legend Design

enjoy dis !!

da instruments :
boss dr660
fender stratocaster
yamaha apx-spl II
fender princeton chor.
pentium 90 GUS

damned ! when will
this 1Mb limit stop ?
I want 8Mb on my GUS !

i need money so
vote for me !!
thanxx dudes !!

6 voices
2 min 03 s

Oops I forgot to thank
Moby the marvellous
for some drums...

keep funkin'


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allright_.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 823.18KB in size and has been downloaded 839 times since Sun 6th Mar 2005 :D

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