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7 days and 1 week

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pustelnik 9.11.96r.
zgierz 166939

remixed and sampled
from: "B.B.E."
- seven days and
one week -
________time 6:28






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7_days_and_1_week.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 377.07KB in size and has been downloaded 2144 times since Mon 13th Sep 2004 :D

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First heard this in a JJ2 level, I think. I've always liked it. Simple as it is, it touches the heart.

Posted by Beyond on Mon 13th Nov 2017

I have always like bbe's 7 days track and there is a few tracks on the TMA by others :P.First off i do like this retake of BBE's track in more ways it's a remix which is both good and bad,the intro part was nice then the the drums take on a different style of beat which did let this down slightly that runs the 2;20 ish then it all slows down just with a nice high string :),More or less comes back to that beat style.Overall it's a nice rethink of bbe's tune for me it was the drums that did take away from the tune IMO other than that it's a very well thought out track runs for just over 6mins which is almost the perfect time :P for a dance track well worth a download ....

Posted by BtMe on Wed 25th Nov 2015


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