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The Way To Heaven

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"The Way to Heaven"

Music arranged by:
Fredrik Strålberg

(C)copyright 1998
All rights reserved
An Ultimatum release

If you want to get in
contact with me, do
that at: maverick80_

Or visit my website:

This song was in the
beginning supposed to
be dedicated to my
girlfriend, but since
we broke up it is now
just an emotional
piece of music.

This song is to all of
you who wished you
had someone to share
your love with..

You can not believe
how much work and
energy I've put into
this song! I hope it
was worth the while!
At least I think it
was.... :)
Do play this song in
Fasttracker.. I have
tested it on other
platforms such as
Impulse Tracker, which
makes the song sound
quite bad.. ModPlug
and Winamp are ok!!

Greetings to everybody
who is and have been
a part of my life!

Especially to Martin,
cause he is one of my
really true friends!


/ Fredrik

Nothing is constant,
except change.."

The Way to Heaven

song nr: 4 in 1998
Style: An orchestral
love song..
Duration: 4.33 min
Released: 981123


Info Info

the_way_to_heaven.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 1006.68KB in size and has been downloaded 1866 times since Thu 3rd Dec 1998 :D

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comments Comments

Very silence but very good! I like the melody by the piano! Sounds like a sound track! Very good work!

Posted by Arne Puszelski on Wed 28th Jan 2009


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