Hand picked selections of the best tracked music



By: joule

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expressiOns by jOule

this is a chipmodule
made due to a sudden
attack of inspiration

beta-version 000804

helloes goes tO:
schindler, manowarez,
pigeon, jessica&ellen,
maniac, nyfiken, boray
mr real, cornflake,
nike, obbe, survey..

since i made this one
it is called
( jessiCas superherO )

dedicated to jessica
and also to manowarez

more happy chip-power
to das people...

for ovrigt hoppas jag
att jessica sejjer hej
ngn gang.. eventuellt
gor en kram/kyss oxo
hoppas even att detta
er en chip som setter
sig lite.. so jag har
forstort era liv
ennu mer...
och slutligen bjuder
jag er gratiscitat
fran hjelten
mauro scocco:
inga pojkar sover, hon
finns i alla rum...
jag ventar i hornet
vid seven-eleven...

all rights reserved to
joel johansson...
contact me at
for any reason at all



Info Info

jessica2.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 36.25KB in size and has been downloaded 3419 times since Mon 13th Sep 2004 :D

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Absolutely great chip track in typical Joule style! Excellent melody and nice samples. Download and enjoy this track!

Posted by Arne Puszelski on Thu 30th Jul 2009


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