Hand picked selections of the best tracked music


Gaia floating in Me

By: Cube

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"Gaia floating in Me"





Completed for the
TMDC2-invi (?) intro.

Samples from:

!Cube, Major, Teque,
TerraNova, Scirocco,
Rage, Slide, Duke,
Nao, The Rew, Nitro,

...Clawz, NHP, Tuoli,
Coldcut, Steve, Nuke,
Jesper Kyd and a few
unknown fellas.

Almost every sample
was edited, raped and
blown to pieces.

Greets to the guys.

(C) !Cube Music 1997


Info Info

gaia_floating_in_me.xm is a XM format module. Uncompressed, it is 802.31KB in size and has been downloaded 4741 times since Mon 13th Sep 2004 :D

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comments Comments

I'm a bit generous today and distributing lotsa 10/10s! But hey, this tune is awesome! :-D One of !Cube's best, to be honest. Nice industrial stuff with a strong bassline, nice panning, awesome effects, cool drums and... ah, just get it and listen to it! now! :-D

Posted by Saga Musix on Tue 2nd Dec 2008

this is the pure Cube style. awesome in its technique galore. 10.

Posted by A-zTech on Tue 21st Oct 2008


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